Saturday, March 31, 2012

Science Day

Our school did the most wonderful thing this week - they decided to host a school-wide science day! We promoted it for weeks so by the time the day finally came the kids were SO excited about their activities. Throughout the day, the second grade students traveled from room to room and viewed a hilarious science presentation, heard from a true chemist, investigated magnets, learned about bubbles and air, made gloop, and learned about animals from an expert. Every single station hit on second grade standards in an engaging, fun way. By the end of the day I was left with a group of exhausted, happy, educated second grade scientists who couldn't stop raving about all of the fun activities they did during the day. I can't wait until next year when we get to have another science day!

The day began with a great science presentation! Here the presenter, with the help of another teacher, is demonstrating how air travels when force is applied to it.

The stations I taught all day dealt with magnets and racing cars! Students investigated the cars and learned that you could make them move by placing two similar magnetic poles next to each other. 

After a bit of practicing with the cars, we had a race to see who could make their car move the fastest without actually touching it with your hands - only magnets!

After the races were done and a winner was declared, students created chalk mazes and tried to stump their partner. We learned that turning these cars using just magnets was VERY difficult!

What a wonderful day we all had! It was a great last day before Spring Break! Enjoy your week off :)

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