Monday, June 4, 2012

Wrapping It Up

Goodness, where has the time gone? The last few weeks of school were a wonderful blur and we are now officially on summer break. We learned up until the last minute, though, and had lots of great experiences. We filled our time with Cultural Arts Day, awards day, memory books, and end of the year parties - whew! We also experienced supply and demand by creating our own classroom stores. The students got to create their own products and then sell them to their classmates in our classroom mall (Shopping in our classroom?? Yes, please!). It was very interesting to hear their reflections as they discussed what items sold and why they think they were top-sellers in our room. Video games were a big hit, FYI (surprise, surprise), but model airplanes really struggled to sell. 

It's hard to believe that my precious group of second graders has finished their year and will be third graders next year. We had an amazing year and I know they will do a great job next year. To my lovely students: enjoy your time off, but make sure you read something every single day!!! Look for more posts next year when I get a new bunch of kiddos!

Enjoying popsicles after a hard day of work!

Busy creating advertisements for our classroom stores.

A shoe store! 

Who can resist a candy store??

A picture one of my wonderful parents took on one of our last days. We sure did have a great year!

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