Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Classroom Website

Our school district is making the transition to Google for just about everything, which means I've been learning all of the amazing things Google has to offer! I recently made a classroom website that contains all important information and hope that it will help keep parents, students, and myself on the same page with classroom updates. I'll continue to update it throughout the year. I can't wait to see what else Google has to offer!

Classroom website link:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Flat Stanley's Grand Finale

We received Flat Stanley letters from all over the world! In the end, letters came to us from as near as North Carolina, Florida, and Mississippi and as far as Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and London. We were sent amazing souvenirs, such as pecans from Texas, leis from Hawaii, and beautiful magnets from Puerto Rico. Each letter opened the students' eyes and allowed them to learn about a new part of the world they might not have already known about. The excitement that came with each returned letter never decreased and it was amazing to see students grow in their knowledge of the world around them. This project helped students learn about US regions and letter writing, but most importantly it allowed them to grow in their understanding of others and peaked their curiosity about the big world that surrounds them. Hopefully someday they can travel to some of these fun places!

Check out all of the places we traveled and a sampling of the souvenirs we got from each location!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reading Party

The kids have been on their best behavior recently, which means we earned yet another marble party. We brainstormed party ideas, voted on our top three, and the winning party was...A READING PARTY! Students were allowed to bring in pillows, blankets, and their very favorite books and we spent the last 30 minutes of our day reading (and munching on a little snack I brought in!). A great time was had by all and I think it's safe to say we can't wait until our next marble party. Only 33 more marble worthy days to go!