Saturday, October 22, 2011

Marionette Theater Fun

This Friday, the second grade took a break from our regular schedule and headed to the Marionette Theater to see the Brementown Musicians. After watching the wonderful play, we got the chance to go backstage and get an inside look at what occurs to make a puppet show go smoothly. The kids even got to play with marionettes! We ended our day with lunch at a nearby park and a chance to play on a super cool playground. All in all, it was a great day and I think the kids learned a lot about theater and proper etiquette. I'm looking forward to the next time we have a reader's theater in class, where we read our story of the week as if it is a play, because the kids will be such professionals now that they've seen a play themselves!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Disco Fever

It's time for the family dance at my school and the theme is disco fever! We had to decorate our doors with this theme and so I let my kids have the chance to create what they wanted to put on it (a little scary to give them that control, but also fun for them). After brainstorming ideas, they chose to go with the theme "We've Caught the Disco Fever" and create a 70's man with a temperature (CAUGHT the it?!). I was very impressed and encouraged this fabulous theme. After a few afternoons of hard teamwork, we came up with this beautiful creation. I'm looking forward to the dance tomorrow night when I dance the night away under a disco ball!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Shape Robot

Sorry for the long gap since my last post! Things have been a little busy around here :) Our last unit in math focused on shapes and our last unit in social studies focused on recycling, so naturally we integrated the subjects and created a recycled robot! The kids LOVED this activity and had a great time naming the shapes as we used them to create our robot. This also allowed us to put a big focus on 3-D shapes, something we've only touched on, and I was surprised at how much the kids knew about these shapes - they never cease to amaze me. This robot proudly sat in our Town Hall area until a few days ago, when his hot glue joints went out and he started to fall. He's now actually been recycled, but we sure loved him while he was around!

UPDATE: We had our first marble party this week and it was a blast! The students brainstormed ideas for the party (some included a giant marble cake or a "learning party"- don't we do that everyday??), but in the end we chose extra recess and popsicles. It was the perfect day to spend extra time outside and the kids adored it. We've set our next marble goal for 30 marbles, 5 higher than last time, and I'm already looking forward to the next party!!